Alliances, party-switching and pork-barrel politics: the Dominican Republic 2010 legislative elections


This paper analyzes the explanatory factors of the outcome of the legislative and municipal elections of 2010 in Dominican Republic and the recent transformation experienced by the Dominican party system from a tripartism to a plural bipartism.. The leadership of President Fernández, its image, popularity, and pragmatism, are the key factors in the electoral success of the PLD, favored by endemic factionalism into the PRD and the progressive collapse of the PRSC as well. In this context, the PLD consolidated its electoral dominance thanks to the support of minority parties and will control the Legislative branch for the next six years.
  • Referencias
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  • Del mismo autor
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Benito Sánchez, A. B. (2011). Alliances, party-switching and pork-barrel politics: the Dominican Republic 2010 legislative elections. América Latina Hoy, 56, 59–84.


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Author Biography

Ana Belén Benito Sánchez

Universidad de Salamanca
Instituto de Iberoamérica. Hospedería de Fonseca nº 2, 37002 Salamanca (España)