Sources of PT: ideology versus personalism in its electoral support


This article explores data from the Estudo Eleitoral Brasileiro in order to research the bases of support to the Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT), who reached the Presidency of Brazil in 2002. The results show that PT’s voters are more identified with the leadership of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, the current president and the historical leader of the party, than with the PT’s ideology. Nevertheless, the ideological linkages between PT and its voters are still more important that the ideological linkages between the other brazilian parties and theirs respective voters.
  • Referencias
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  • Del mismo autor
  • Métricas
Samuels, D. (2011). Sources of PT: ideology versus personalism in its electoral support. América Latina Hoy, 37, 63–80.


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Author Biography

David Samuels

University of Minnesota
Department of Political Science. University of Minnesota. 1414 Social Sciences Building. Minneapolis, MN 55455-0410. Estados Unidos