Making democratic constitutions: The Centenary Constitution project prepared by Panama’s Legislative Assembly in 2003


The article is the explanation of the recent experience of the Legislative Assembly of the Republic of Panama, which prepared a proposal for the complete change of the constitutional frame of that country. The article offers a complete description of the initiative, including the name of the politicians between its promoters, as well as the staff of specialists and the members of the civil society that introduce their comments during the public consultation of the project. However, an important part of the paper explains the content of the project, contrasting it with the constitutional law of Panama, as well with other salient aspects of other initiatives of reform from other sources and in other periods.
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Sánchez González, S. (2010). Making democratic constitutions: The Centenary Constitution project prepared by Panama’s Legislative Assembly in 2003. América Latina Hoy, 35, 87–113.


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Author Biography

Salvador Sánchez González

Centro de Iniciativas Democráticas (CIDEM)
Centro de Iniciativas Democráticas (CIDEM), Vía Italia, Torre Alamar, Oficina N. 3 - Apdo. 6-8765, El Dorado, Panamá (República de Panamá)