«No one has seen these images, but they exist»: The memory of exile in contemporary Argentina


This paper examines how Argentines remember the experience of exile from the military dictatorship, with particular emphasis on the public discussion of the theme of exile in Argentine in recent years. Through a contextualization of the memory of exile in the struggle to keep alive the memory State terrorism, the article aims to show how since the mid-1990s we are witnessing a repositioning of the experience of exile in the memory of the years of repression. According to the author, this new social interest on exile –expressed in the emergence of a number of publications on exile, the development of cultural, legal and legislative spaces are giving rise to a public airing of the theme of exile– is less the result of the emergence of unpublished material, but more the result of a new vision which is emerging from the academic community and from society in general on the self-proclaimed «Process of National Reorganization».
  • Referencias
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  • Del mismo autor
  • Métricas
Jensen, S. (2010). «No one has seen these images, but they exist»: The memory of exile in contemporary Argentina. América Latina Hoy, 34, 103–118. https://doi.org/10.14201/alh.7363


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Author Biography

Silvina Jensen

Universidad Nacional del Sur
Universidad Nacional del Sur , Departamento de Humanidades – UNS. 12 de octubre y San Juan - BAHIA BLANCA. 8000, Buenos Aires (Argentina)