Vicente Fox presidential campaing and the model of propaganda in political communication


The characteristics of political communication identified by Dominque Wolton can be used to analyse the electoral process of 1988 in Mexico, as public opinion and opinion began to emerge through the exchange between legitimate political actors. The main features of this exchange emerged and were consolidated during the 2000 presidential election campaign, coinciding with the typology developed by Gilles Achache regarding a model of propaganda. The objectives of the paper are to examine the electoral campaign of Vicente Fox of the PAN for the presidency in 2000, and to identify the differences that set it apart from the campaign of other candidates and from the traditional electoral behaviour of previous electoral processes, in order to demonstrate that through the use of techniques of political marketing in the public space, the Fox campaign introduced a new model of propaganda in political communication in Mexico.
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Borjas Benavente, A. (2010). Vicente Fox presidential campaing and the model of propaganda in political communication. América Latina Hoy, 33, 101–121.


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Author Biography

Adriana Borjas Benavente

Insurgentes Sur 3483 PB, Col. Villa Olímpica Miguel Hidalgo, Del. Tlalpan, C.P. 14020 (México)