Immigration and homeownership: the cases of California and Spain,

  • Julián López Colás
    Centre d’Estudis Demogràfics jlopez[at]
  • Juan Antonio Módenes Cabrerizo
    Centre d’Estudis Demogràfics
  • Brenda Yépez Martínez
    Centre d’Estudis Demogràfics


The aim of this paper is to analyze the evolution of foreign homeownership in Spain between 2001 and 2006, seen as an indicator of integration of migrants in host countries. Other goals, derived from the former, are to determine the influence of nationality in the homeownership and to quantify the likelihood of foreigners to live under this form of tenure. Having modelled the socio-demographic variables between the years 2001 and 2006, the results show a lower propensity of foreign born people to live through ownership than nationals and, what is most important, that the Spanish residential system demands more efforts for foreigners so as to live in property than the Californian system.
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López Colás, J., Módenes Cabrerizo, J. A., & Yépez Martínez, B. (2010). Immigration and homeownership: the cases of California and Spain,. América Latina Hoy, 55, 115–140.


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Author Biographies

Julián López Colás

Centre d’Estudis Demogràfics
Campus de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Edificio E2. 08193 Bellaterra, Barcelona (España)

Juan Antonio Módenes Cabrerizo

Centre d’Estudis Demogràfics
Campus de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Edificio E2. 08193 Bellaterra, Barcelona (España)

Brenda Yépez Martínez

Centre d’Estudis Demogràfics
Campus de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Edificio E2. 08193 Bellaterra, Barcelona (España)