Politics, social ethos and identity in contemporary Cuba


The resilience of the Cuban political model appears paradoxical against the backdrop of extreme economic hardship, loss o foreign support and increasing pressure by the United States and the anti-Castro opposition. Notwithstanding adverse global circumstances following the demise of the Soviet Union -its main source of economic support- the Cuban revolutionary government has managed to hold onto power. In this paper the authors analyze the conditions under which Cuba has remained committee to its revolutionary path and the economic measures and political mechanisms it has adopted to maintain internal stability, despite serious international challenges and internal pressures. They suggest that the special characteristics of the Cuban Revolution, which have allowed its resilience, have limited the appeal of the Cuban model in spite of its achievements in areas of human development such as health and education.
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Sznajder, M., & Roniger, L. (2010). Politics, social ethos and identity in contemporary Cuba. América Latina Hoy, 29, 155–178. https://doi.org/10.14201/alh.7196


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Author Biographies

Mario Sznajder

Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Department of Political Science. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Mount Scopus. 91905 Jerusalem (Israel)

Luis Roniger

Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Department of Political Science. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Mount Scopus. 91905 Jerusalem (Israel)