Performance and institucional identity: the Electoral Tribunal in the 2000 electoral alternance


In this article we want to analyse the work made by the "Tribunal Electoral del Poder Judicial de la Federación (TEPJF)" and its relation, in its grade and identity, within the presidential elections on the July 2sd, 2000. Our hypothesis is that TEPJF had started an institutional blackmail, which put several doubts on the process, and could limit the democratic advances built until today but also generate a post electoral conflict with political instability consequences in the country.
  • Referencias
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  • Del mismo autor
  • Métricas
Corrochano, D. H., & Díaz-Santana, H. (2010). Performance and institucional identity: the Electoral Tribunal in the 2000 electoral alternance. América Latina Hoy, 29, 133–152.


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Author Biographies

David H. Corrochano

FLACSO-MÉXICO. Carretera Al Ajusco No. 377 - Zona Urbana Héroes De Padierna, Tlalpan, 14200 Ciudad De México, Distrito Federal, (México)

Héctor Díaz-Santana

FLACSO-MÉXICO. Carretera Al Ajusco No. 377 - Zona Urbana Héroes De Padierna, Tlalpan, 14200 Ciudad De México, Distrito Federal, (México)