Political consequences of the electoral calendar in Latin America: Advantages and disadvantages of simultaneous and separate parliamentary and presidential elections


The paper analyzes the ideas put forward by Shugart and Carey (1992) and Mainwaring and Shugart (1997) regarding the combined effect of presidential electoral systems and the timing of the parliamentary elections over political representation and governability. The hypotheses of these authors are contrasted with the results of Latin American presidential elections (1996-2000). The conclusion is reached that, as expected, the timing of presidential and parliamentary elections and the electoral system for president tend to influence the chance that the party or coalition of the president has a sizeable or majority parliamentary representation.
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Molina V., J. E. (2010). Political consequences of the electoral calendar in Latin America: Advantages and disadvantages of simultaneous and separate parliamentary and presidential elections. América Latina Hoy, 29, 15–29. https://doi.org/10.14201/alh.7189


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Author Biography

José Enrique Molina V.

Universidad del Zulia / Universidad de Michigan
Universidad del Zulia. Idf. Urano, apr. 2ª - Calle 59 Maracaibo (Venezuela)