¿Cooptar o reprimir? Intervenciones autoritarias sobre la prensa local mexicana
Resumen Los regímenes híbridos locales cuentan con una gama de estrategias para desincentivar la crítica periodística. ¿Por qué en algunos casos se coopta y en otros se reprime violentamente a la prensa crítica? Con evidencia de las entidades federativas mexicanas, argumento que estas estrategias son sustitutivas y que la selección depende de los recursos del Ejecutivo local (políticos, financieros y violentos) y los costos asociados a cada estrategia (reputacionales, de monitoreo, de reclutamiento y de visibilidad).
- Referencias
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Ai Camp, Roderic. Politics in Mexico. The democratic transformation. New York: Oxford University Press, 2002.
Alemán, Eduardo y Tsebelis, George. The origins of presidential agenda-setting power in Latin America. Latin American Research Review, 2005, vol. 40 (2): 3-26. - https://doi.org/10.1353/lar.2005.0017
Artículo xix y Fundar. Publicidad oficial. Índice de acceso al gasto en publicidad oficial en las entidades federativas. México: Fundar, 2013.
Artículo xix y Fundar. El costo de la legitimidad. El uso de la publicidad oficial en las entidades federativas. México: A19, Fundar y osi, 2014.
Artículo xix y Fundar. Libertad de expresión en venta. Acceso a la información y censura indirecta en publicidad oficial. México: A19 y Fundar, 2015.
Balán, Pablo. Autoritarismo subnacional: clasificación, causas, teoría. Buenos Aires: Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2013, en línea: https://www.aacademica.org/000-076/254.pdf.
Becker, Gary. Crime and punishment: An economic approach. Journal of Political Economy, 1968, vol. 76 (2): 169-217. - https://doi.org/10.1086/259394
Behrend, Jacqueline. The Unevenness of Democracy at the Subnational Level. Provincial Closed Games in Argentina. Latin American Research Review, 2011, vol. 46 (1): 150-174. - https://doi.org/10.1353/lar.2011.0013
Besley, Timothy y Prat, Andrea. Handcuffs for the grabbing hand? Media capture and government accountaility. American Economic Review, 2006, vol. 96 (3): 720-736. - https://doi.org/10.1257/aer.96.3.720
Diamond, Larry. Thinking about Hybrid Regimes. Journal of Democracy, 2002, vol. 13 (2): 21-35. - https://doi.org/10.1353/jod.2002.0025
Durazo, Julián. Neo-Patrimonialism and Subnational Authoritarianism in Mexico. The Case of Oaxaca. Journal of Politics in Latin America, 2010, vol. 2 (2): 85-112. - https://doi.org/10.1177/1866802X1000200204
Durazo, Julián. Media and Subnational Democracy: The Case of Bahia, Brazil. Democratization, 2016, vol. 24 (1): 81-99. - https://doi.org/10.1080/13510347.2015.1101453
Espino, Germán y Mendoza, Efraín. Gobernadores, enclaves del autoritarismo en México. México: Fontamara, 2015.
Gentzow, Matthew et al. The Rise of the Fourth Estate. How Newspapers Became Informative and Why it Mattered. En Glaeser, Edward y Goldin, Claudia (eds.). Corruption and Reform: Lessons from America's Economic History. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2004. - https://doi.org/10.3386/w10791
Gervasoni, Carlos. Conceptualizing and Measuring Subnational Regimes. Comittee on Concepts and Methods Working Paper Series, ipsa-cide, 2008.
Gervasoni, Carlos. A Rentier Theory of Subnational Regimes, Fiscal Federalism, Democracy and Authoritarianism in the Argentine Provinces. World Politics, 2010, vol. 62 (2): 302-340. - https://doi.org/10.1017/S0043887110000067
Gibson, Edward. Boundary Control: Subnational Authoritarianism in Democratic Countries. World Politics, 2005, vol. 58 (1): 101-132. - https://doi.org/10.1353/wp.2006.0018
Gibson, Edward. Politics of the Periphery: An Introduction to Subnational Authoritarianism and Democratization in Latin America. Journal of Politics in Latin America, 2010, vol. 2 (2): 3-12. - https://doi.org/10.1177/1866802X1000200201
Gibson, Edward. Boundary Control: Subnational Authoritarianism in Federal Democracies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012. - https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781139017992
Giraudy, Agustina. The Politics of Subnational Undemocratic Regime Reproduction in Argentina and Mexico. Journal of Politics in Latin America, 2010, vol. 2 (2): 53-84. - https://doi.org/10.1177/1866802X1000200203
Giraudy, Agustina. Democrats and Autocrats: Pathways of Subnational Undemocratic Regime Continuity within Democratic Countries. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015. - https://doi.org/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198706861.001.0001
Hernández, Rogelio. Cambio político y renovación institucional. Las gubernaturas en México. Foro Internacional, 2003, vol. 4 (174): 789-821.
Hughes, Sallie y Márquez, Mireya. Local-Level Authoritarianism, Democratic Normative Aspirations, and Antipress Harassment: Predictors of Threats to Journalists in Mexico. The International Journal of Press/Politics, 2018, vol. 23 (4): 539-560. - https://doi.org/10.1177/1940161218786041
imco-cucea. Auditorías Superiores Locales en México: normatividad, práctica y transparencia. México: imco, 2013.
Karl, Terry. The Hybrid Regimes of Central America. Journal of Democracy, 1995, vol. 6 (3): 72-86. - https://doi.org/10.1353/jod.1995.0049
Langston, Joy. Governors and Their Deputies: New Legislative Principals in Mexico. Legislative Studies Quarterly, 2010, vol. 35 (2): 234-258. - https://doi.org/10.3162/036298010791170132
Levitsky, Steven. Competitive Authoritarianism. Hybrid Regimes After the Cold War. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. - https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9780511781353
Márquez, Mireya. El impacto de la violencia criminal en la cultura periodística posautoritaria: la vulnerabilidad del periodismo regional en México. En Del Palacio, Celia (ed.). Violencia y periodismo regional en México. Ciudad de México: Juan Pablos, 2015.
Montero, Alfred. Uneven Democracy? Subnational Authoritarianism in Democratic Brazil. Conferencia lasa. Montreal, 2007.
Montero, Alfred. No Country for Leftists? Clientelist Continuity and the 2006 Vote in the Brazilian Northeast. Journal of Politics in Latin America, 2010, vol. 2 (2): 113-153. - https://doi.org/10.1177/1866802X1000200205
Negretto, Gabriel. Minority presidents and democratic performance in Latin America. Latin American Politics and Society, 2006, vol. 48: 63-92. - https://doi.org/10.1353/lap.2006.0037
Patrón, Fernando y Pérez, Rosa María. Aproximaciones para la medición del poder efectivo en los congresos estatales en México a través de la producción legislativa. Una revisión de ocho entidades federativas. Revista Legislativa de Estudios Sociales y de Opinión Pública, 2012, vol. 5 (9): 7-38.
Pérez-Liñán, Aníbal. Presidential Impeachment and the New Political Instability in Latin America. Cambridge, ma: Cambridge University Press, 2007. - https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9780511510335
Rebolledo, Juan. Black Sheep of the Family. A Model of Subnational Authoritarian Endurance in National Democracy. Yale University. Working Paper, 2011.
Salazar, Grisel. Resistiendo el clientelismo. Publicidad gubernamental y subsistencia de la prensa crítica. Colombia Internacional, 2018, vol. 95: 203-230. - https://doi.org/10.7440/colombiaint95.2018.08
Schedler, Andreas. Patterns of Repression and Manipulation. Towards a Topograhpy of Authoritarian Elections, 1980-2002. Ciudad de México. Documento de Trabajo cide # 189, 2006.
Schedler, Andreas. The politics of uncertainty: sustaining and subverting electoral authoritarianism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. - https://doi.org/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199680320.001.0001
Smulovitz, Catalina y Peruzzotti, Enrique. Societal accountability in Latin America. Journal of Democracy, 2000, vol. 11 (4): 147-158. - https://doi.org/10.1353/jod.2000.0087
Snyder, Richard. After the State Withdraws: Neoliberalism and Subnational Authoritarian Regimes in Mexico. En Cornelius, Wayne; Hindley, Jane y Eisenstadt, Todd (eds.). Subnational Politics and Democratization in Mexico. La Jolla: The Center for u.s.-Mexican Studies-University of California, 1999.
Stein, Elizabeth y Kellam, Marisa. Silencing Critics. Why and how presidents restrict media freedom in democracies. Comparative Political Studies, 2016, vol. 49 (1): 36-77. - https://doi.org/10.1177/0010414015592644
Waisbord, Silvio. Watchdog journalism in South America. News, accountability and democracy. New York: Columbia University Press, 2000.
Alemán, Eduardo y Tsebelis, George. The origins of presidential agenda-setting power in Latin America. Latin American Research Review, 2005, vol. 40 (2): 3-26. - https://doi.org/10.1353/lar.2005.0017
Artículo xix y Fundar. Publicidad oficial. Índice de acceso al gasto en publicidad oficial en las entidades federativas. México: Fundar, 2013.
Artículo xix y Fundar. El costo de la legitimidad. El uso de la publicidad oficial en las entidades federativas. México: A19, Fundar y osi, 2014.
Artículo xix y Fundar. Libertad de expresión en venta. Acceso a la información y censura indirecta en publicidad oficial. México: A19 y Fundar, 2015.
Balán, Pablo. Autoritarismo subnacional: clasificación, causas, teoría. Buenos Aires: Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2013, en línea: https://www.aacademica.org/000-076/254.pdf.
Becker, Gary. Crime and punishment: An economic approach. Journal of Political Economy, 1968, vol. 76 (2): 169-217. - https://doi.org/10.1086/259394
Behrend, Jacqueline. The Unevenness of Democracy at the Subnational Level. Provincial Closed Games in Argentina. Latin American Research Review, 2011, vol. 46 (1): 150-174. - https://doi.org/10.1353/lar.2011.0013
Besley, Timothy y Prat, Andrea. Handcuffs for the grabbing hand? Media capture and government accountaility. American Economic Review, 2006, vol. 96 (3): 720-736. - https://doi.org/10.1257/aer.96.3.720
Diamond, Larry. Thinking about Hybrid Regimes. Journal of Democracy, 2002, vol. 13 (2): 21-35. - https://doi.org/10.1353/jod.2002.0025
Durazo, Julián. Neo-Patrimonialism and Subnational Authoritarianism in Mexico. The Case of Oaxaca. Journal of Politics in Latin America, 2010, vol. 2 (2): 85-112. - https://doi.org/10.1177/1866802X1000200204
Durazo, Julián. Media and Subnational Democracy: The Case of Bahia, Brazil. Democratization, 2016, vol. 24 (1): 81-99. - https://doi.org/10.1080/13510347.2015.1101453
Espino, Germán y Mendoza, Efraín. Gobernadores, enclaves del autoritarismo en México. México: Fontamara, 2015.
Gentzow, Matthew et al. The Rise of the Fourth Estate. How Newspapers Became Informative and Why it Mattered. En Glaeser, Edward y Goldin, Claudia (eds.). Corruption and Reform: Lessons from America's Economic History. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2004. - https://doi.org/10.3386/w10791
Gervasoni, Carlos. Conceptualizing and Measuring Subnational Regimes. Comittee on Concepts and Methods Working Paper Series, ipsa-cide, 2008.
Gervasoni, Carlos. A Rentier Theory of Subnational Regimes, Fiscal Federalism, Democracy and Authoritarianism in the Argentine Provinces. World Politics, 2010, vol. 62 (2): 302-340. - https://doi.org/10.1017/S0043887110000067
Gibson, Edward. Boundary Control: Subnational Authoritarianism in Democratic Countries. World Politics, 2005, vol. 58 (1): 101-132. - https://doi.org/10.1353/wp.2006.0018
Gibson, Edward. Politics of the Periphery: An Introduction to Subnational Authoritarianism and Democratization in Latin America. Journal of Politics in Latin America, 2010, vol. 2 (2): 3-12. - https://doi.org/10.1177/1866802X1000200201
Gibson, Edward. Boundary Control: Subnational Authoritarianism in Federal Democracies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012. - https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781139017992
Giraudy, Agustina. The Politics of Subnational Undemocratic Regime Reproduction in Argentina and Mexico. Journal of Politics in Latin America, 2010, vol. 2 (2): 53-84. - https://doi.org/10.1177/1866802X1000200203
Giraudy, Agustina. Democrats and Autocrats: Pathways of Subnational Undemocratic Regime Continuity within Democratic Countries. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015. - https://doi.org/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198706861.001.0001
Hernández, Rogelio. Cambio político y renovación institucional. Las gubernaturas en México. Foro Internacional, 2003, vol. 4 (174): 789-821.
Hughes, Sallie y Márquez, Mireya. Local-Level Authoritarianism, Democratic Normative Aspirations, and Antipress Harassment: Predictors of Threats to Journalists in Mexico. The International Journal of Press/Politics, 2018, vol. 23 (4): 539-560. - https://doi.org/10.1177/1940161218786041
imco-cucea. Auditorías Superiores Locales en México: normatividad, práctica y transparencia. México: imco, 2013.
Karl, Terry. The Hybrid Regimes of Central America. Journal of Democracy, 1995, vol. 6 (3): 72-86. - https://doi.org/10.1353/jod.1995.0049
Langston, Joy. Governors and Their Deputies: New Legislative Principals in Mexico. Legislative Studies Quarterly, 2010, vol. 35 (2): 234-258. - https://doi.org/10.3162/036298010791170132
Levitsky, Steven. Competitive Authoritarianism. Hybrid Regimes After the Cold War. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. - https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9780511781353
Márquez, Mireya. El impacto de la violencia criminal en la cultura periodística posautoritaria: la vulnerabilidad del periodismo regional en México. En Del Palacio, Celia (ed.). Violencia y periodismo regional en México. Ciudad de México: Juan Pablos, 2015.
Montero, Alfred. Uneven Democracy? Subnational Authoritarianism in Democratic Brazil. Conferencia lasa. Montreal, 2007.
Montero, Alfred. No Country for Leftists? Clientelist Continuity and the 2006 Vote in the Brazilian Northeast. Journal of Politics in Latin America, 2010, vol. 2 (2): 113-153. - https://doi.org/10.1177/1866802X1000200205
Negretto, Gabriel. Minority presidents and democratic performance in Latin America. Latin American Politics and Society, 2006, vol. 48: 63-92. - https://doi.org/10.1353/lap.2006.0037
Patrón, Fernando y Pérez, Rosa María. Aproximaciones para la medición del poder efectivo en los congresos estatales en México a través de la producción legislativa. Una revisión de ocho entidades federativas. Revista Legislativa de Estudios Sociales y de Opinión Pública, 2012, vol. 5 (9): 7-38.
Pérez-Liñán, Aníbal. Presidential Impeachment and the New Political Instability in Latin America. Cambridge, ma: Cambridge University Press, 2007. - https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9780511510335
Rebolledo, Juan. Black Sheep of the Family. A Model of Subnational Authoritarian Endurance in National Democracy. Yale University. Working Paper, 2011.
Salazar, Grisel. Resistiendo el clientelismo. Publicidad gubernamental y subsistencia de la prensa crítica. Colombia Internacional, 2018, vol. 95: 203-230. - https://doi.org/10.7440/colombiaint95.2018.08
Schedler, Andreas. Patterns of Repression and Manipulation. Towards a Topograhpy of Authoritarian Elections, 1980-2002. Ciudad de México. Documento de Trabajo cide # 189, 2006.
Schedler, Andreas. The politics of uncertainty: sustaining and subverting electoral authoritarianism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. - https://doi.org/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199680320.001.0001
Smulovitz, Catalina y Peruzzotti, Enrique. Societal accountability in Latin America. Journal of Democracy, 2000, vol. 11 (4): 147-158. - https://doi.org/10.1353/jod.2000.0087
Snyder, Richard. After the State Withdraws: Neoliberalism and Subnational Authoritarian Regimes in Mexico. En Cornelius, Wayne; Hindley, Jane y Eisenstadt, Todd (eds.). Subnational Politics and Democratization in Mexico. La Jolla: The Center for u.s.-Mexican Studies-University of California, 1999.
Stein, Elizabeth y Kellam, Marisa. Silencing Critics. Why and how presidents restrict media freedom in democracies. Comparative Political Studies, 2016, vol. 49 (1): 36-77. - https://doi.org/10.1177/0010414015592644
Waisbord, Silvio. Watchdog journalism in South America. News, accountability and democracy. New York: Columbia University Press, 2000.
Salazar Rebolledo, M. G. (2020). ¿Cooptar o reprimir? Intervenciones autoritarias sobre la prensa local mexicana. América Latina Hoy, 84, 117–136. https://doi.org/10.14201/alh.20916
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