Importance of aesthetic appreciation in the training of the doctor

  • Bárbara Barata Cardos
    Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de La Habana barbarabc[at]
  • Juana Estrada Garzón
    Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de La Habana
  • Elines Franco Barata
    Empresa Comercializadora de la Música Antonio María Romeu


Introduction: The history of art and medicine show that the doctor and the artist share the same passion to observe and have collaborated in the construction of great scientific works, hence the importance of the use of visual arts in the formation of students of Medicine. Objective: To promote in medical students the appreciation of art in its relationship with the medical profession through the linking of theoretical and practical knowledge. Method: A descriptive, cross-sectional, retrospective study was carried out in which the experience of the elective course, «The aesthetic appreciation in its relation with medicine», is described, which is offered to the 5th year students of medicine in 2018. Results: I participate a total of 55 foreign students. There were 8 visits to museums, 6 conferences offered by art and heritage specialists from the Office of the Historian of Havana. When asked about the importance and usefulness of the course for their training as a doctor, 90.8% recognized its usefulness for their professional training. Conclusions: The aesthetic appreciation promotes in medical students the broadening of the general culture and the enjoyment of works of art, taking advantage of the influence and cultural refinement that usually accompanies the world of Art and Aesthetics, to model values and stimulate sensitivity in an exchange dynamic.
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Author Biographies

Juana Estrada Garzón

Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de La Habana

Elines Franco Barata

Empresa Comercializadora de la Música Antonio María Romeu