Al-Andalus' surgeon. An approximation to the life and work of Abulcasis by the hand of Antonio Cavanillas de Blas


Nowadays, many people still think of «science and humanities» as two separate branches, completely different when choosing a career or simply when imagining where a person´s focus of interest lies on. Nevertheless, there is an increasing effort to change this point of view and make us realize they are not opposite, but rather complementary. Humanities nurture with science´s advances and science needs humanities in order to express itself, advance and develop. Clear examples of this are the books that talk about medicine and medicine related themes. These texts promote the humanistic training of doctors and medicine students: creating a solid foundation of humanistic medicine, which ought to preside the patient- doctor relationship. In this article, we contribute to present the close relationship between literature and medicine analyzing the description Antonio Cavanillas de Blas gives us of Abulcasis in his work El Cirujano de al-Andalus
  • Referencias
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Author Biography

Yaiza Fei Fernández Raigoso

Universidad de Oviedo
Facultad de Medicina y Ciencias de la Salud. Universidad de Oviedo (España)