Cinema in times of the pandemic COVID: movies helping to moderate emotions and supporting the health team

  • Pablo G. Blasco
    Educação Médica e Humanismo. S. Paulo pablogb[at]
  • Maria Auxiliadora C. de Benedetto
    Educação Médica e Humanismo. S. Paulo
  • Marcelo R. Levites
    Educação Médica e Humanismo. S. Paulo
  • Graziela Moreto
    Educação Médica e Humanismo. S. Paulo


The current COVID-19 pandemic emerges the need of taking care of the health team, not only physical, but also mental health. The crisis we are experiencing has a twofold component: on the one hand the biological threat and on the other to deal with anxiety, fear, and disordered emotions, which are a threat to mental balance and to maintain the serenity necessary to cope with such a great challenge. It is crucial to raise the morale of those who deal daily with this threat of unprecedented proportions. A discouraged doctor is an element of the crisis and causes insecurity in patients and families. SOBRAMFA - Medical Education and Humanism, has disseminated recommendations through short videos for helping professionals to maintain an objective view of the reality they are experiencing. Using cinema through movie clips from different films helps to clarify details of the commented recommendations. Sense of community, leadership, teamwork, holding the emotions on realistic basis, communication skills, educating through example, professionalism, objectivity and realism for redeeming the circumstances are the topics emphasized by the movie clips. Below we list some of the ethical and existential dilemmas as well as the corresponding movie scenes that can help with decisions.
  • Referencias
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39. Dead Poets Society (1989) [Internet]

40. The Truman Show (1998) [Internet]

41. Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003) [Internet]
G. Blasco, P., C. de Benedetto, M. A., R. Levites, M., & Moreto, G. (2021). Cinema in times of the pandemic COVID: movies helping to moderate emotions and supporting the health team. Journal of Medicine and Movies, 16(e), 57–68.


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