The Angels of Death: An Artistic Journey through the Great Pandemics


The History of Humanity has been marked by the suffering generated by the permanent presence of diseases. Many of these became real plagues and punishments, decimating the population of cities and towns. Science advanced slowly in the search for treatments to deal with these epidemics, which were received with real fear. This same history of the human being simultaneously assisted in the effort to offer images of its effects. In this way, a good number of painters, regardless of language or artistic period, showed in tables and canvases not only death and pain but also fear, insecurity and emotional traces. This article aims to offer an itinerary of these plastic forms that accompanied the epidemics from the Middle Ages to the present century.
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Lizasoain Hernández, J., & Lizasoain Hernández, I. (2021). The Angels of Death: An Artistic Journey through the Great Pandemics. Journal of Medicine and Movies, 16(e), 485–502.


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