An Approximation of the Film Virus to the Pandemic of COVID-19

  • Lynn Francis Lau-Sánchez
    Universidad Privada Norbert Wiener, Lima lilianglican20[at]
  • Karla Ximena Balcazar-Aniceto
    Universidad Privada Norbert Wiener, Lima
  • Jorge Porras-Guillermo
    Universidad Privada Norbert Wiener, Lima


Through the years, science fiction cinema has become a repertoire of information that can be contrasted with reality. That is why we present the analysis of the film 'Virus' by Sung-su Kim, where the main objective is to present the film to the reader so that he can understand the pandemics represented through the films and compare it with the pandemic of the COVID-19 in an objective way, differentiating a cinematographic representation with reality. As an own elaboration, we present a table with the systemic manifestations of the COVID-19, made with reliable sources; with this we intend to seek the awareness and education of the reader about one of the worst pandemics we are currently going through. The conclusion is that the information given in the films related to health issues must be interpreted appropriately by the viewers, separating the real from the fictitious. On the other hand, COVID-19 is a disease that is still developing and there is increasing evidence of its systemic commitment.
  • Referencias
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Lau-Sánchez, L. F., Balcazar-Aniceto, K. X., & Porras-Guillermo, J. (2021). An Approximation of the Film Virus to the Pandemic of COVID-19. Journal of Medicine and Movies, 16(e), 379–388.


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