Pandemies in Cinema: Arguments that Have Gone Viral


Pandemics have always been one of the great concerns of humanity since at some point in history they have plagued the world population. The current situation due to by the coronavirus, has made the films about infections, epidemics, pandemics, etc., have been the most viewed on different streaming platforms, due to the confinement we have had to suffer. This paper aims to make an overview of the main and most striking films that deal with different aspects of viral infection pathologies. This type of film has always shown great interest in the population, being generally very profitable economically for films production companies. The aim of these films is to contribute to raising the awareness of the world population and to be able to disseminate and promote hygienic-sanitary measures.
  • Referencias
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Juanes Méndez, J. A. (2021). Pandemies in Cinema: Arguments that Have Gone Viral. Journal of Medicine and Movies, 16(e), 327–337.


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