Loss, Death and Grief in the Face of Pandemics: "Putting Love where there is Pain”. The Painted Veil, Love in the Time of Cholera and The City of Joy


The pain of grief after a real or perceived loss is a pain that invades our lives and transforms our biography. An epidemic or pandemic situation causes death under harsher and more complex conditions; sometimes it prevents the emotional farewell of the deceased person by maintaining the rules that prevent the spread of the disease. And the pain grows. Among the various ways of coping with the pain of loss, is paying attention to the love that the deceased person or the people around us have left us after the death. We are going to extract several lessons from three films that tell us about death from the bottom of the heart.
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Acinas Acinas, M. P. (2021). Loss, Death and Grief in the Face of Pandemics: "Putting Love where there is Pain”. The Painted Veil, Love in the Time of Cholera and The City of Joy. Journal of Medicine and Movies, 16(e), 293–310. https://doi.org/10.14201/rmc202016e293310


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