Psychological Aspects in Movies about Pandemics. When “You Can't See (in) the Pandemic”. Blindness, (2008), Bird Box (2018)


Situations in which a sense is lost, such as sight, or when we must cancel it, because our lives may be at stake, pose a significant stress load. If this is also coupled with an inexplicable contagion and a transmission of the pathology without apparent cause, and for no known reason, it adds more psychological discomfort to the physical discomfort. The sense of sight is one of the most important in the life we lead in this 21st century. The films chosen in this article (Blindness, 2008 and Bird Box 2018), allow us to reflect on these issues, literally and figuratively.
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Acinas Acinas, M. P. (2021). Psychological Aspects in Movies about Pandemics. When “You Can’t See (in) the Pandemic”. Blindness, (2008), Bird Box (2018). Journal of Medicine and Movies, 16(e), 277–291.


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