COVID-19, a Movie Pandemic: Analysis of Ethical Problems

  • Celia Vicente Martínez
    Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias, Oviedo
  • Carmen Álvarez Galán
    Universidad de Oviedo
  • Isolina Riaño-Galán
    Universidad de Oviedo rianoisolina[at]


The global panorama resulting from the pandemic experienced by the new SARS-CoV-2 and the disease it produces, COVID-19 has highlighted our fragility not only as individuals but as a society. Management of scarce resources, transparency of information, risks assumed by the health workers, support at the end of life or the search for a safe vaccine are just some of the ethical challenges that have emerged during the health crisis. Previously, cinema and literature had already shown these ethical aspects in extreme situations such as the current one, based on historical pandemics and other science fiction that describe a dystopian world. Collective reflection and prudence must be the epicenter that move us to make solidarity decisions in the social, scientific and political spheres to move away from a discouraging future, in the new world after COVID-19.
  • Referencias
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Vicente Martínez, C., Álvarez Galán, C., & Riaño-Galán, I. (2021). COVID-19, a Movie Pandemic: Analysis of Ethical Problems. Journal of Medicine and Movies, 16(e), 183–193.


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