You to Harvard and I to Princeton. From depression to schizophrenia

  • Mª Adolfina Ruíz Martínez
    Universidad de Granada adolfina[at]
  • Sebastián Peralta Galisteo
    Universidad de Granada
  • Herminia Castán Urbano
    Universidad de Granada


Until recently mental diseases were treated as a whole, without any differentiation. Recent researchs have highlighted the differences between some of them, so consequently there are specific treatments for these pathologies today. The main objective of this work is to show two different diseases which in many cases are confused: depression and schizophrenia. These pathologies can have as triggers situations very diverse and that require different treatment. For the analysis, we are going to use two films: Prozac Nation (2001) by Erik Skjoldbjaerg and A beautiful mind (2001) by Ron Howard, which reflect the real experiences of two characters; the society in which they live and the environment around them, but especially focusing in the pharmacotherapy area, medications used, its correct use, the adverse effects and so on; in order to be able to decide if the vision presented by films has a formative character in these diseases.
  • Referencias
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Ruíz Martínez, M. A., Peralta Galisteo, S., & Castán Urbano, H. (2020). You to Harvard and I to Princeton. From depression to schizophrenia. Journal of Medicine and Movies, 16(1), 7–15.


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Author Biography

Mª Adolfina Ruíz Martínez

Universidad de Granada