Review and analysis of venereal syphilis through the film Miss Evers´ boys, within the framework of the subject of Microbiology and Cinema

  • Isabela Rebellón Martínez
  • Daniela Salazar Balcázar
    Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali
  • Claudia Rocío Castañeda Ramírez
    Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali
  • Eliana Ocampo Toro
    Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali


Innovative alternatives in the classroom are essential due to the limitations of the master class. In this sense, technological advances have allowed new alternatives for interactive teaching, where Cinema is a significant example of medical education. Through Cinema it is possible to contextualize basic, clinical and even humanistic concepts of diseases; Therefore, this study presents a filmbased experience of the teaching of infectious diseases and microbiology. We review the historical, epidemiological, microbiological and clinical aspects of Syphilis through the Miss Evers' boys film, selecting key scenes for each aspect, and comparing them with current literature. The results showed that the film reflects important elements of the progress, diagnosis, and treatment of syphilis; where the understanding of the students improves, even in the absence of scenes about the complete development of the disease; therefore, we propose this strategy as a useful and meaningful tool for learning in this and other areas.
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Rebellón Martínez, I., Salazar Balcázar, D., Castañeda Ramírez, C. R., & Ocampo Toro, E. (2019). Review and analysis of venereal syphilis through the film Miss Evers´ boys, within the framework of the subject of Microbiology and Cinema. Journal of Medicine and Movies, 15(4), 203–213.


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Author Biographies

Isabela Rebellón Martínez

Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali

Claudia Rocío Castañeda Ramírez

Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali