Front of the Class (2008): A challenge of social acceptance
Abstract The film Front of the class (2008) by Peter Werner, is based on the life of Brad Cohen, from the age of 6 years that starts presenting clinical manifestations of Tourette syndrome. The plot is developed around how Brad lives his day to day with his illness and how it manages to cope with the various obstacles that society presents to him to achieve his greatest dream: to be an elementary school teacher. Brad is continually abused by his peers, has intolerant teachers and even has a very unsympathetic father, this because it was unknown that he was a carrier of Tourette syndrome (TS), generating isolation from the others and aversion to interact with other people. During the film we observe how continually Brad is a victim of social stigma by not being able to behave like the other derivative of the TS, preventing him in the beginning to have friends and then to get work. In this article, we will offer a review of the condition to understand its manifestations and the way in which Brad's life was affected.
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Franklin ME, Best SH, Wilson MA, Loew B, Compton SN. Habit reversal training and acceptance and commitment therapy for Tourette syndrome: A pilot project. J Dev Phys Disabil. 2011; 23(1):49-60.
Gagné J-P. The psychology of Tourette disorder: Revisiting the past and moving toward a cognitively-oriented future. Clin Psychol Rev. 2018. pii: S0272-7358(18)30245-9. doi: 10.1016/j.cpr.2018.09.005.
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National Institutes of Health. Síndrome de Tourette. Washington D. C.: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; 2012. Disponible en:
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Stewart SB, Greene DJ, Lessov-Schlaggar CN, Church JA, Schlaggar BL. Clinical correlates of parenting stress in children with Tourette syndrome and in typically developing children. Pediatrics. 2015;166(5):1297-302. Disponible en:
Weiler N. First Clear-Cut Risk Genes for Tourette Disorder Revealed, Results Point to ‘Bright Future’ for Understanding Disorder. University of California San Francisco. News & Media [Internet]. 3 de mayo de 2017. [citado el 18 de octubre]. Disponible en:
Charon JM, Cahill S. Symbolic interactionism: An introduction, an interpretation, an integration. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-hall; 1979.
Cutler D, Murphy T, Gilmour J, Heyman I. The quality of life of young people with Tourette syndrome. Child Care Health Dev. 2009;35(4):496-504.
Espert R, Gadea M, Aliño M, Oltra-Cucarella J. Neuropsicología del trastorno de Tourette: cognición, neuroimagen y creatividad. Rev Neurol. 2017;64(10):S1-S8. Disponible en:
Franklin ME, Best SH, Wilson MA, Loew B, Compton SN. Habit reversal training and acceptance and commitment therapy for Tourette syndrome: A pilot project. J Dev Phys Disabil. 2011; 23(1):49-60.
Gagné J-P. The psychology of Tourette disorder: Revisiting the past and moving toward a cognitively-oriented future. Clin Psychol Rev. 2018. pii: S0272-7358(18)30245-9. doi: 10.1016/j.cpr.2018.09.005.
Gaze C, Kepley HO, Walkup JT. Co-occurring psychiatric disorders in children and adolescents with Tourette syndrome. J Child Neurol. 2006;21(8):657-64.
Lee MY, Wang HS, Chen CJ, Lee MH. Social adjustment experiences of adolescents with Tourette Syndrome. J Clin Nurs. 2018. doi:10.1111/jocn.14564.
Lee MY, Mu PF, Wang WS, Wang HS. ‘Living with tics’: self?experience of adolescents with Tourette syndrome during peer interaction. J Clin Nurs. 2016;25(3-4):463-71.
Mead, G.H. Mind self and society from the standpoint of a social behaviorist Mind. Chicago: University of Chicago Press; 1934. p. 135–209.
Muñoz Farjas E, Garcés Redondo M, Baiges Octavio J.J. Tratamiento de los tics y trastornos asociados. Rev Esp Trastor Mov. 2009;2(3):6-15. Disponible en:
National Institutes of Health. Síndrome de Tourette. Washington D. C.: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; 2012. Disponible en:
O'hare D, Eapen V, Grove R, Helmes E, McBain K, Reece J. Youth with Tourette syndrome: parental perceptions and experiences in the Australian context. Aust J Psychol. 2017;69(1):48-57.
Stewart SB, Greene DJ, Lessov-Schlaggar CN, Church JA, Schlaggar BL. Clinical correlates of parenting stress in children with Tourette syndrome and in typically developing children. Pediatrics. 2015;166(5):1297-302. Disponible en:
Weiler N. First Clear-Cut Risk Genes for Tourette Disorder Revealed, Results Point to ‘Bright Future’ for Understanding Disorder. University of California San Francisco. News & Media [Internet]. 3 de mayo de 2017. [citado el 18 de octubre]. Disponible en:
Novelo Alcocer, V., Janssen Aguilar, R., Lizama Rubio, M. A., & Méndez Domínguez, N. I. (2019). Front of the Class (2008): A challenge of social acceptance. Journal of Medicine and Movies, 15(2), 95–100.
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