Somerset Maugham, another physician-writer, between literature and the screen

  • María Silvia D’Ottavio‐Callegari
    Facultad de Derecho. Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Rosario (Santa Fe), (Argentina).
  • Alberto Enrique D’Ottavio‐Cattani
    Facultad de Ciencias Médicas y Consejo de Investigaciones. Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Rosario (Santa Fe) (Argentina). aedottavio[at]
  • María Eugenia D’Ottavio‐Callegari
    Instituto Universitario del Gran Rosario, Rosario (Santa Fe) (Argentina).


Following the approach already employed in an earlier article on Archibald Joseph Cronin1, physician, and writer, this paper focuses on William Somerset Maugham, another physician who successfully ventured into literature, producing many plays, novels, and short stories adapted to the screen (cinema and TV), herein chronologically listed and described.
  • Referencias
  • Cómo citar
  • Del mismo autor
  • Métricas
D’Ottavio-Cattani AE. Archibald Joseph Cronin: a Writing-Doctor Between Literature and Film. Rev. Med. Cine. 2009;5(1):59-65.
Raphael F. W Somerset Maugham and his world. London: Thames and Hudson; 1976.
Morgan T. Maugham: a biography. New York: Simon & Schuster; 1980.
Hastings SS. The secret lives of Somerset Maugham. New York: Random House; 2010.
Calder R. Somerset Maugham and the cinema. Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin Press; 2024.
Films based on works of Somerset Maugham
D’Ottavio-Callegari ME, D’Ottavio-Callegari MS, D’Ottavio-Cattani AE. La humillación psicológica en la medicina y en el cine. Rev. Med. Cine. 2018;14(1):47-51.
D’Ottavio‐Callegari, M. S., D’Ottavio‐Cattani, A. E., & D’Ottavio‐Callegari, M. E. (2024). Somerset Maugham, another physician-writer, between literature and the screen. Journal of Medicine and Movies, 20(3), 269–278.


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