A Civil Action (1998): The Law Behind Bodily Injury, Birth Defects, and Leukemia


A Civil Action is a fundamental film to understand how environmental contamination influences human health, but also the biopsychosocial, ethical, legitimate and legal context around the problem of exercising the right to a healthy environment. It shows how pollution affects communities, the responsibility that many companies try to evade due to their actions in detriment of human life and the environment, and how the community and the media can work together to address these issues and take measures to prevent and treat these problems. In the university teaching of Health Sciences, the film becomes a pedagogical resource to illustrate and raise awareness about the problem of drinking water contamination and the environment in general in human health and especially during pregnancy. Viewing the film on the other hand stimulates critical, divergent, analytical, reflective, emotional thinking and significant learning, while allowing the integration of knowledge of the subjects they are studying and general culture in an immersive experience. Likewise, it allows the integration of legal aspects that are rarely addressed in the career as an educational transversal that contributes to the heritage of the student's general culture.
  • Referencias
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Author Biographies

Enrique Richard

Universidad San Gregorio de Portoviejo (Ecuador).
Enrique Richard es Posdoctorado en Informática y Biodiversidad, Doctor en Cs. Biológicas y Lic. en Cs. Biológicas. Tiene más de 40 años de experiencia como docente investigador (grado y posgrado) en universidades de Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile, Perú, Ecuador, México y USA. Actualmente es Profesor de posgrado en las universidades Andina Simón Bolívar, Franz Tamayo, Mayor de San Andrés y Escuela Boliviana de Posgrado (Bolivia) y en Ecuador, donde reside actualmente, es Profesor e investigador en la Carrera de Medicina de la Universidad San Gregorio de Portoviejo e Investigador Principal, categoría 3 de la SENESCYT.

César Mendoza

Universidad San Gregorio de Portoviejo (Ecuador).
César Mendoza. Estudia el cuarto semestre de la carrera de medicina, forma parte de diferentes proyectos de investigación y cultura, entre ellos el de “Cine en la educación en Ciencias de la Salud”. Es Investigador Estudiante Categoría I del Semillero de investigación de la Universidad San Gregorio de Portoviejo (Ecuador) y un activo participante en eventos científicos y académicos.