Cinema in Learning about Genetic Manipulation through Science Fiction in Gattaca (1997)


Genetic manipulation has been one of the most rapidly developing branches of biotechnology over the last 20 years. With the advent of the CRISPR technique, the possibility of correcting, changing and deleting genes in a DNA sequence has become a scientific possibility. Film plots are often a realistic reflection of psychosocial aspects of the population, which can be used in educational settings to show the consequences of certain situations or moral dilemmas. From a didactic point of view, this study interprets the most significant sequences of the film Gattaca (1997), by Andrew Niccol, where, in a futuristic environment, a distinction is made between inferior human beings who have not been genetically treated and have low status functions, or superior human beings who have been genetically treated and are mainly destined for more important functions such as space travel. The main objective is to facilitate the understanding of concepts related to genetic manipulation, such as genetic determinism, eugenics or genetic discrimination, among others, after viewing and sharing this film.
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Almela Baeza, J., & Graterol-Guía, M. (2023). Cinema in Learning about Genetic Manipulation through Science Fiction in Gattaca (1997). Journal of Medicine and Movies, 19(2), 157–168.


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