The Lost King and the Gut Feelings: Intuitions and Search for Truth in Medical Education


A film that is based on a real story. Philippa Langley's adventure in the search for the truth about the life and tomb of Richard III. The movie requires, while watching, to observe and to live Philippa's adventure, in a phenomenological experience. That means: to go through the feeling of incapacity, stand up again and cling to an idea that is taking shape, substantiate the idea to understand that it is not a whim, give way to intuition, at that point, it is grounded, qualified. The discredit of those academics who insist on discouraging her - in the end, is about intuitions not science – stand up to a firm and determined woman, who maintains the direction, moves forward, brings together the family, who manages to excite with a project based on a qualified intuition. The qualified intuition is the resource that veteran doctors use for their decision making, something that is currently called: Gut Feelings. This intuition -heartfelt, it could be called in Spanish- brings together feelings that are related to the doctor's experience associated with his scientific knowledge and his ability to listen to the patient. The affective component of Gut Feelings complements clinical reasoning and improves medical decision-making through the balance between the doctor's experience and the knowledge of medical evidence. Gut Feelings is an effective resource, although it may seem unscientific, because it cannot be demonstrated. This is the reason why it has not been made explicit, which would be of great help to young people starting a professional career in medicine.
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González-Blasco, P., & Moreto, G. (2024). The Lost King and the Gut Feelings: Intuitions and Search for Truth in Medical Education. Journal of Medicine and Movies, 20(2), 209–216.


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Author Biographies

Pablo González-Blasco

SOBRAMFA-Educação Médica e Humanismo. São Paulo (Brasil).
Pablo González Blasco. Médico y Doctor en Medicina, por la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de São Paulo, Brasil. Miembro fundador y actual director Científico de SOBRAMFA- Educação Médica & Humanismo. Autor de diversas publicaciones y trabajos presentados en congresos nacionalezs e internacionales, donde aborda los temas de Medicina de Familia, Educación Médica, Humanismo y Medicina, Educación de la Afectividad a través del Cine y de las Artes.

Graziela Moreto

SOBRAMFA-Educação Médica e Humanismo. São Paulo (Brasil).
Graziela Moreto. Médico y Doctor en Medicina, por la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de São Paulo, Brasil. Directora de SOBRAMFA- Educação Médica & Humanismo. Coordina los Programas de Formación y Cooperación Internacional. Autora de diversas publicaciones y trabajos presentados en congresos nacionales e internacionales, donde aborda los temas de Medicina de Familia, Educación Médica, Humanismo y Empatía.