Vision (2009): A Walk through Medieval Medicine and the Life of Hildegard von Bingen


The film "Vision. Hildegarda Von Bingen history / Vision - Aus dem Leben der Hildegard von Bingen” (2009), by Margarethe von Trotta, in which we are introduced to the life of the nun and saint Hildegard von Bingen, is the occasion to reflect on medieval medicine, in particular a medicine based on the knowledge of plants and their collection in herbaria, one of the most popular texts of this historical period. "Vision" satisfactorily reproduces the setting of the Middle Ages and offers a glimpse of a health care mainly limited to monastic environments and based on natural remedies, but above all it will serve to highlight the personality of the protagonist and her relations with the hierarchies of the time, emphasizing her feminist side and breaking with the usual image of medieval women condemned to social and labour ostracism.
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