To be doctor, doctor and to be: Not as Strange (1955)

  • Francisco Lozano Sánchez
    Universidad de Salamanca lozano[at]
  • Alberto Gómez Alonso
    Universidad de Salamanca


Melodrama based on hospital life, well documented from the medical point of view. The movie is long enough (135 minutes) as to give time to review numerous aspects related with medical training and professional practice. Everything is framed on the aspirations of an ambitious student and later general physician, that wants the ";infallibility";, althoughat the end he realizes in a painful way that he is fallible. In an additional way, the student and physician's human relationships are shown (marriage, friendship, etc.). According to this film, the good physician is the one that is capable of mixing knowledge and feelings appropriately.   
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Lozano Sánchez, F., & Gómez Alonso, A. (2008). To be doctor, doctor and to be: Not as Strange (1955). Journal of Medicine and Movies, 1(1), 7–11. Retrieved from


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