Lorenzo's Oil (1992): Cinematographic overview

  • José Aijón Oliva
    Universidad de Salamanca pope[at]dadaplay.com
  • Valentín Salazar Alonso-villalobos
    Universidad de Salamanca


Lorenzo’s oil is a movie that adapts itself perfectly to the script paradigm promulgated by Syd Field: a structure of three acts with a trigger in its planning, an easily distinguishable first  plot point, a midpoint in its core, a clearcut second plot point and a climax in its unravelling.  This film, which could have been no more than a ";movie star vehicle";, offers quite a lot of interesting details such as some sub-plot, certain symbolisms, some well-defined characters, some camera movements... However, it also has certain shortcomings as for its screenplay (which sometimes falls into an easy sentimentalism). The movie offers an approach and a quite simple explanation to such a little-known illness as ALD. Nevertheless, in the picture the desease is just a dramatic device to present us a family that suffers and fights against all kinds of barriers.
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Aijón Oliva, J., & Salazar Alonso-villalobos, V. (2008). Lorenzo’s Oil (1992): Cinematographic overview. Journal of Medicine and Movies, 1(1), 3–6. Retrieved from https://revistas.usal.es/cinco/index.php/medicina_y_cine/article/view/225


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