Philadelphia (1993): View of AIDS when it began to be a treatable disease


Andrew is an excellent lawyer who works in an important firm in Philadelphia.. He is gay but in his professional life he has kept this a secret. One evening, in a cinema showing gay pornographic films he has sex with a stranger and gets infected with HIV. When his bosses find out about his illness and his being gay they contrive to “lose” some important documents from his office so that they can justify letting him go. Andrew decides to sue them but no lawyer wants to defend him. Finally, Joe Miller agrees to represent him because he believes that they have a clear case of discrimination. The jury finds in favour of Andrew, whose health has declined along the process.
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Pérez Ochoa López, L. (2008). Philadelphia (1993): View of AIDS when it began to be a treatable disease. Journal of Medicine and Movies, 2(1), 21–28. Retrieved from


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