Palliative Care and Cinema: An update commenting related production since the middle of the last century until the last decade of the current one


Palliative Care is a sanitary field with a frequent interrelation with the world of Cinema, especially since the 1990´s and in consonance with the development of this specialty in the First World. In 2006 a monographic book was published, which included a historical review and a comment of several emblematic movies, and which was meant to be a reference guide for people interested in this field. This article’s aim is to update the information about the cinematographic production related in the latter years and to complement the published bibliography.
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Peña Bandrés, I. (2018). Palliative Care and Cinema: An update commenting related production since the middle of the last century until the last decade of the current one. Journal of Medicine and Movies, 14(4), 259–265. Retrieved from


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