Perfect body (1997): eating disorders among elite athletes, risk factors and symptomatology

  • Alba Martínez De Estibariz
    Universidad del País Vasco
  • Patricia Pérez
    Universidad del País Vasco
  • Leire Santín
    Universidad del País Vasco
  • Marta Arrue
    Universidad del País Vasco marta.arrue[at]


Nowadays, society and the mass media have made physical profiles fashionable that are difficult to emulate, causing a significant percentage of the population to develop different types of eating disorders. This is a more frequent issue among the female population and exerts particular pressure on elite athletes, where weight is a significant factor in performance (gymnasts, dancers...). Consequently, this research aims to identify the risk factors and symptomatology of eating disorders among elite athletes highlighted in the film “Perfect Body” (1997), by performing a bibliographic review. The film explores risk factors such as colleagues with eating disorders, weight-obsessed coaches or poor body image. Likewise, it identifies symptoms such as vomiting, a disproportionate increase in exercise or fatigue. The film "Perfect Body" (1997) gives a simple, real-life, visual glimpse of the risk factors and symptoms for high performance gymnasts and, therefore, the film is highly recommended to address this issue.
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Martínez De Estibariz, A., Pérez, P., Santín, L., & Arrue, M. (2018). Perfect body (1997): eating disorders among elite athletes, risk factors and symptomatology. Journal of Medicine and Movies, 14(4), 237–243. Retrieved from


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