En el viejo Buenos Aires. A Spanish-Argentine film with an epidemic background

  • María Eugenia D’ottavio Callegari
    Hospital Privado de Rosario
  • Guillermo Enrique D’ottavio Callegari
    Hospital Provincial y Hospital Italiano Garibaldi
  • Alberto Enrique D’ottavio Cattani
    Universidad Nacional de Rosario aedottavio[at]hotmail.com


 This film, shot in the 40s with Argentinean and Hispanic protagonists, narrates the ventures and misadventures between an Argentinean rich native and a Spanish variety artist in the ancient Buenos Aires during the last third of the 19th century. Both will be active participants during the lethal epidemic of yellow fever that devastated the city of Buenos Aires in 1871. Though finally redemptive for their love, such epidemic crisis forces to remember the permanent need to maintain an alert and foresighted attitude, scientifically supported, when facing this kind of massive population disasters. 
  • Referencias
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Tarrés MC, D’Ottavio AE. La cuna vacía: fragmento de vida de un luchador por la pediatría argentina. Rev Med Cine 2012; 8(4):133-8. Disponible en: http://revistas.usal.es/cinco/index.php/medicina_y_cine/article/view/13701/14042
D’ottavio Callegari, M. E., D’ottavio Callegari, G. E., & D’ottavio Cattani, A. E. (2018). En el viejo Buenos Aires. A Spanish-Argentine film with an epidemic background. Journal of Medicine and Movies, 14(3), 193–197. Retrieved from https://revistas.usal.es/cinco/index.php/medicina_y_cine/article/view/19092

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