The portrayal of nursing in cinema. Models and stereotypes


Objective: This study analyses how feature films portray the nursing profession by an approach to various models or stereotypes.Methods: 3.065 film synopses containing the terms “nurse” or “nursing” were reviewed on the IMDb, from which 16 films were selected for analysis. Five categories were identified in order to carry out further analysis. One film was reviewed for each category, using analysis in order to reduce subjectivity in the interpretation as much as possible.Results and discussion: Three models were identified in the examined cinematic portrayals based on the analysis of the selected materials: the angelic nurse, the evil nurse and the nurse as an object of desire. Some of the examined movies do not fit in any of these categories, and portrayals move away from these stereotypes. Male nurses as a sub-collective are especially underrepresented in feature films.Conclusion: The stereotypical portrayal of nursing in films results in a biased view of the profession. Stereotypes about nursing work as prefabricated characters and are far from reality, but they are a reflection of how society sees us and have influence on how professionals conceive their own profession.
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