Trainspotting (1996): the problem of addictions in young people

  • Lidia Sanz Pérez
    Hospital General San Jorge lidiasanper[at]
  • Andrea Barlés Sauras
    Hospital General San Jorge
  • Raquel Salillas Guillén
    Hospital de Barbastro
  • Marta Peralta Campo
    Residencia de personas mayores Ciudad de Huesca
  • Clara Peralta Nueno
    Hospital de Barbastro
  • María Rosa Pla Martínez
    Equipo de Atención Primaria San Andrés


Trainspotting (1996) is an English film directed by Danny Boyle, based on the homonymous novel written by the Scot Irvine Welsh. The plot revolves around Mark Renton, a young heroin addict with a clear antisocial behavior that faces life and the decision making that entails. Surrounded by a world of drugs and addictions, the protagonist interacts with a group of friends, also addicts, where they create a micro-society in which their only objective is to consume. Finally Renton, after being part of a therapeutic community and getting to quit drugs, gets a job as a real estate agent in London, finally being the only member of the group that manages to escape the self-destructive fate that seems to await his former companions.
  • Referencias
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Sanz Pérez L, Arrazola Alberdi O, Barlés Sauras A, Bosque Gracia B, Portilla Sauras C, Redol Labarta M. Caso clínico: Incumplimiento de un paciente con Patología Dual en una Unidad de Media Estancia de Salud Mental. Revista Adicción y Ciencia. 2016;4(3):1-21. Disponible en:
Sanz Pérez, L., Barlés Sauras, A., Salillas Guillén, R., Peralta Campo, M., Peralta Nueno, C., & Pla Martínez, M. R. (2018). Trainspotting (1996): the problem of addictions in young people. Journal of Medicine and Movies, 14(3), 159–164. Retrieved from

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