Thanatology from a cinematographic point of view. Death of a Salesman (1985) and L'Amour à mort (1984)


It is easy to check the knowledge and advances that thanatology has contributed to society. The cinema, as an art form focused on human beings, provides its own analysis of death. The present article explores human responses to situations deriving from end-of-life issues, the loss of loved ones, types of death, individual-family grieving and other aspects in two representative films: Death of a Salesman (1985) by Wolker Schlöndoff  and L’Amour á mort (1984) by Michel Choquet.
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Aparicio Barrenechea, C. P. (2008). Thanatology from a cinematographic point of view. Death of a Salesman (1985) and L’Amour à mort (1984). Journal of Medicine and Movies, 2(2), 56–65. Retrieved from


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