Fragile (2005): A case of osteogenesis imperfecta


When Mercy Falls hospital is about to close its doors for good, a series of strange phenomena begin to take place: the children start to suffer fractures for no apparent reason. A nurse, Amy, suspects that these occurrences are related to a little girl called Mandy who had been a patient in the hospital years before and who had the same symptoms as the children now suffering from fractures: a tendency to bone fractures owing to what is known as brittle-bone disease. Amy then begins to investigate whether there is some kind of relation between Mandy’s case and those of the children in her care.
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Ruiz Rosendo, L. (2008). Fragile (2005): A case of osteogenesis imperfecta. Journal of Medicine and Movies, 2(2), 51–55. Retrieved from


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