Threat of Plagues: Panic in the Streets (1950)


Panic in the Streets by Elia Kazan is an excellent film that focuses around a case of pneumonic plague that is discovered in a murdered person by a physician.  The events that unfold reflect the fear the physician experiences as becomes aware of how severe and highly contagious this disease may be. The well-structured script of this thriller conveys a sense of urgent need within the physician as he attempts to find those in which the murdered person had been in contact. He considers it compulsory to implement all necessary measures to halt the outbreak of the plague, a disease that it is even fearsome in the presence of antibiotic treatment. The measures taken, some of which are still in use, are as follows: treatment of patients, chemoprophylaxis and isolation of patients.
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Carabias Martín, F. (2008). Threat of Plagues: Panic in the Streets (1950). Journal of Medicine and Movies, 2(3), 89–95. Retrieved from


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