The Bio-Political Impact of the Genetic Fingerprint Discovery in the TV Mini-Seires «Code of a Killer» (2015) and Its Importance for Modern Societies

  • Natacha Salome Lima
    Universidad de Buenos Aires lima.natacha[at]
  • Federico Ignacio Pena
    Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Flavia Andrea Naves
    Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Elizabeth Beatriz Ormart
    Universidad de Buenos Aires


The TV series Code of a killer presents, in the form of a detective story, the advancement of science in determining the genetic fingerprint. This discovery revolutionized the scientific field and allowed a new way of identifying people, with applications beyond expectation, leading to the analysis of the impact that science has on society. Regarding the discovery of the genetic fingerprint (also called DNA testing or DNA analysis) as a technique used to distinguish individuals of the same species, we will discuss two controversial events of high social impact: the revolution in forensic research related to the first conviction based on DNA fingerprinting data, and the possibility of finding children appropriated during the military dictatorship from the grandparenthood index. In contrast with these positive aspects of scientific developments on human rights and forensic research, it is appropriate to reflect on the bio? political scope of genetic fingerprint in the context of modern states.
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Lima, N. S., Pena, F. I., Naves, F. A., & Ormart, E. B. (2017). The Bio-Political Impact of the Genetic Fingerprint Discovery in the TV Mini-Seires «Code of a Killer» (2015) and Its Importance for Modern Societies. Journal of Medicine and Movies, 13(3), 113–120. Retrieved from


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