«Something the lord made» (2004). From research to clinical practice


Something the lord made is a biopic focused on the life of a young Afro?American carpenter getting involved in medical research, together with a renowned surgeon in Nashville (Tennessee) during the 1930s.It does not only show related aspects with Cardiology, Surgery and Medical Practice but also exposes the difficulties who the aforesaid carpenter had to face in the beginning of the 20th century firstly pursuing an utopia (cardiac surgery) and achieving at last a successful development in what constituted a relevant breakthrough in Medicine.
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Feito Cuesta, E. (2016). «Something the lord made» (2004). From research to clinical practice. Journal of Medicine and Movies, 12(3), 156–162. Retrieved from https://revistas.usal.es/cinco/index.php/medicina_y_cine/article/view/15064


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Author Biography

Eva Feito Cuesta

Universidad de Salamanca
Facultad de Farmacia. Universidad de Salamanca (España).