Human Cloning and Other Ethical Conflicts in The Island (2005)


Scientific and biotechnological advances always go hand in hand with ethical problems, some of which can be identified in The Island. An ecological disaster threatens the survival of humankind and individuals are no longer allowed to take decisions freely and voluntarily, deprived of their moral condition so that they can be used as a means. The goal that is pursued in the film (organ transplant to save lives) does not justify the means employed (the cloning of donors who are unaware of their condition and are thus sacrificed). Living donations must always be voluntary and free, carried out after an appropriate information process. Reproductive human cloning is unanimously rejected, but even if it is developed for therapeutic or research purposes, and even though it is legally allowed, it remains a matter of great ethical controversy.
  • Referencias
  • Cómo citar
  • Del mismo autor
  • Métricas
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Blanco Mercadé, A. (2009). Human Cloning and Other Ethical Conflicts in The Island (2005). Journal of Medicine and Movies, 5(4), 147–151. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Antonio Blanco Mercadé

Hospital de León
Hospital de León. 24071 León (España).