The Representation of People with Visual Impairment in Films

  • Marta Badia Corbella
    Universidad de Salamanca badia[at]
  • Fernando Sánchez-guijo Acevedo
    D.A. ONCE de Salamanca


This article intends to be an approach to how cinema has dealt with the reality of people suffering from visual impairment. More specifically, it is an attempt to analyze the common descriptions that have been made of blind people in films and the stereotypes that have been identified as representing them. For this purpose 12 films, produced between 1962 and 2009, with people with visual impairment among their characters, are analysed. Although advances have been made in cinema towards the eradication of stereotypes linked to the image of blind people, in films there are still representations that have little to do with the reality of people suffering from visual impairment.
  • Referencias
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  • Del mismo autor
  • Métricas
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Badia Corbella, M., & Sánchez-guijo Acevedo, F. (2010). The Representation of People with Visual Impairment in Films. Journal of Medicine and Movies, 6(2), 69–77. Retrieved from


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Author Biographies

Marta Badia Corbella

Universidad de Salamanca
Instituto Universitario de Integración en la Comunidad (INICO). Avda. de la Merced 109-131. 37005 Salamanca (España).

Fernando Sánchez-guijo Acevedo

D.A. ONCE de Salamanca