Cinema as a resource for learning about people with disabilities: Twenty-five films from the last decade

  • Mª Inés Monjas Casares
    Universidad de Valladolid imonjas[at]
  • Francisco Arranz Moro
    CRA Ribera del Duero


There is little doubt about the power of cinema to convey information in order to trigger emotions and to stimulate empathy with the various characters and their situations. Accordingly, the use of films with disabled characters as protagonists can be proposed to favour “visibility”, normalization, and a closer view of the reality and circumstances of people with disabilities. Here, twenty-five films from the last decade, whose main characters have intellectual disability, physical disability, motor disability, visual impairment, hearing impairment or disorders within the spectrum of autism have been selected to approach the issue. The most relevant results of the analysis carried out show that problems related to physical limitations, autism, and intellectual disability are those most widely addressed; that the main characters with disability are to a large extent young adult males; that a broad variety of topics are presented (personal, interpersonal and sexual-affective, family related, medical…), aspects related to family being those that are most relevant, and that there is an evident presence of actors with disabilities. Likewise, it should be noted that the image of people with disabilities in these films is much closer to reality and more positive than it used to be in the filmography of previous decades.
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Monjas Casares, M. I., & Arranz Moro, F. (2011). Cinema as a resource for learning about people with disabilities: Twenty-five films from the last decade. Journal of Medicine and Movies, 6(2), 55–68. Retrieved from


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Author Biographies

Mª Inés Monjas Casares

Universidad de Valladolid
Departamento de Psicología. Facultad de Educación y Trabajo Social. Paseo de Belén s/n. 47011 Valladolid (España). 

Francisco Arranz Moro

CRA Ribera del Duero
CTRA. DE SORIA  - 47350   Quintanilla de Onésimo VALLADOLID (España)