Cinema in Medical Education – Has it Penetrated the Mainstream?


Context: Cinema in medical education is a promising but relatively underused tool. What senior doctors think of it is unknown.Methods: We surveyed all the consultants at a district general hospital and all the associate deans and foundation program directors from a postgraduate deanery. The survey consisted of four open questions and was emailed to all recipients, the replies collated, organised and then coded.Results: 119 responses were received: 81 from consultants; 13 from associate deans and 25 from foundation program directors (FPDs). Of these: 96 had no experience of using cinema in medical education. The distribution of exposure was interesting with experience being in the minority for consultants and FPDs but the majority for the associate deans.A variety of themes emerged including different ways the technique has been implemented, positive and negative aspects as well as some fascinating personal insights. Much of the experience was in primary care and mental health.Conclusion: Cinema in medical education is experienced by the minority. Those that do have experiencehave mostly positive ones and tend to be more experienced educators. The wide variety of uses and positive attributes seems to overshadow the negatives, which are mainly technical.
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Darbyshire, D., & Baker, P. (2016). Cinema in Medical Education – Has it Penetrated the Mainstream?. Journal of Medicine and Movies, 7(1), 8–14. Retrieved from


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Author Biographies

Daniel Darbyshire

Royal Bolton Hospital
Royal Bolton Hospital. Minerva Road Farnworth Bolton BL4 0JR (Reino Unido).

Paul Baker

Royal Bolton Hospital
North Western Deanery Three Piccadilly Place, Manchester. M1 3BN. and Consultant Geriatrician at Royal Bolton Hospital Minerva Road, Farnworth (Reino Unido).