Psychosocial aspects of HIV infection: I Love You (2005)


Since the discovery of HIV and AIDS, considerable progress has been made in understanding biology of the virus and disease, and also in developing effective treatments. Never the less, this infection still has very profound effects on psychological, social, and economic level. Some important examples of stigma and psychosocial aspects of the disease are depicted in this movie. Common bias where HIV is associated exclusively with the gay community and deviant behaviour is emphasised, as well as deficient basic education about sexually transmitted diseases in general. Psychosocial issues of HIV infection, stigma and discrimination are discussed thoroughly. Despite the low seroprevalence, Croatia possesses particular attributes that could foster a growth of the infected population, so informing the public about all aspects of the disease through movies and other forms of public health actions is crucial.
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MeŠtrovic, T. (2012). Psychosocial aspects of HIV infection: I Love You (2005). Journal of Medicine and Movies, 8(3), 108–114. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Tomislav MeŠtrovic

Poliklinika Dr. Zora Profozi?
Andrije Hebranga 23, 10430 Samobor (Croatia).