Vanilla Sky – The Narcissist’s Tale


Cameron Crowe’s Vanilla Sky (2001) is usually approached as a mind game, but its theme is much darker than such a label suggests. As it traces the stages of David Aames’ dream—a dream in which he moves from a pretense of love to murder—we can recognize that David’s self-esteem is pathological. Drawing on Adrian Lyne’s Fatal Attraction (1987) to demonstrate an inability to take the needs of others into account, Crowe’s movie provides a case study in Narcissistic Personality Disorder. David kills because he cannot accept the demands of another (doing so would make him less than self-sufficient); not surprisingly, therefore, at the end of the movie, when he wakes to discover that his lover is still alive, he is shocked.
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Author Biography

Graham St. John Stott

University Jenin
Graham St John Stott. Modern Languages Department, Arab American University, PO Box 240, Jenin (Palestine