A Clockwork Orange (1971): suffers Alex DeLarge antisocial personality disorder?


Many movies have featured characters in which we can identify characteristics related to a personality disorder. However, only a few have obtained such an accurate portrait that allows us to make without any difficulty a concrete diagnosis based in the medical criteria used for real patients. A clockwork orange (1971) by Stanley Kubrick is one of those. This paper aims to identify in the behavior of his main character, Alex DeLarge, the characteristic features of an antisocial personality disorder. For this purpose, the standard criteria are applied and thus a conclusion is made out of them.In the first part we make a short introduction about Kubrick’s works and this movie, along with some basic notes on the analyzed disorder.
  • Referencias
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García Lorenzo, L. M. (2012). A Clockwork Orange (1971): suffers Alex DeLarge antisocial personality disorder?. Journal of Medicine and Movies, 8(2), 53–58. Retrieved from https://revistas.usal.es/cinco/index.php/medicina_y_cine/article/view/13725


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Author Biography

Laura María García Lorenzo

Universidad de Salamanca
Facultad de Medicina. Avda Alfonso X El Sabio s/n. 37007 Salamanca (España).