The clinical history of the Corleone family


2012 marks the 40th anniversary of the premiere of “The Godfather” by Francis Ford Coppola, considered one of the best films of all times by film critics and viewers alike. It was the first film of the praised saga made by this great filmmaker from Detroit, inspired by the literary work of Mario Puzo. Conceived as a classical tragedy, it is the true portrait of an Italian-American Mafia family, of its rise and fall, of its triumphs and sorrows.
  • Referencias
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Abad Vila, M. (2012). The clinical history of the Corleone family. Journal of Medicine and Movies, 8(4), 150–158. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Miguel Abad Vila

Centro de Saúde “Novoa Santos”
Avenida de la Habana, 21, 2º. 32003 Ourense (España).