«Fantastic Voyage» (1966): an attractive approach to the study of anatomy through a tour inside the human body


Fantastic Voyage is a science-fiction film that develops its action inside the human body, standing halfway between scientific documentary and fantasy. In its plot, a scientific possessing a valuable information for the State security suffers from a terrorist attack which leaves him in comma at death’s door. To save his life, it is necessary to carry out an operation in a part of his brain to which there is no access through conventional surgery. Thanks to scientific advances achieved, a nuclear submarine is miniaturized with a crew of neurosurgeons inside, who will be incorporated into the patient’s bloodstream intravenously. Its mission will be that of reaching the brain, through the circulatory system, and try to cure the lesion. A real amazing journey. Destination: the brain.The originality of its plot makes this film be an outstanding title among those of its genre. This film also constitutes a very useful resource for critical value and analysis of concepts on human anatomy.
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Juanes Méndez, J. A. (2013). «Fantastic Voyage» (1966): an attractive approach to the study of anatomy through a tour inside the human body. Journal of Medicine and Movies, 9(3), 125–130. Retrieved from https://revistas.usal.es/cinco/index.php/medicina_y_cine/article/view/13656


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Author Biography

Juan A. Juanes Méndez

Universidad de Salamanca
Departamento de Anatomía Humana. Facultad de Medicina.Avda. Alfonso X El Sabio s/n. 37007 (España)