«Madame Bovary» (1991). A homeopathic medical perspective


This paper uses the film Madame Bovary (1991) by Claude Chabrol to discuss concepts of medicine, his- tory of medicine and professional positioning. The originality of this article is to show the usefulness of movie in teaching homeopathy. It also shows that cinema can attract the physician or student towards literature.
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Zaconeta, C. M. (2014). «Madame Bovary» (1991). A homeopathic medical perspective. Journal of Medicine and Movies, 10(2), 74–80. Retrieved from https://revistas.usal.es/cinco/index.php/medicina_y_cine/article/view/13572


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Author Biography

Carlos Moreno Zaconeta

Escola Superior de Ciências da Saúde ESCS. Brasília
Condominio Privê Morada Sul Módulo Q casa 3. CEP: 71680352. Brasilia (Brasil).